Welcome to my site!
This is a place where
you can get to know a bit about me and my passion for music,
where you can find out what I'm up to musically and
where I hope we can connect.
Please get in touch with any thoughts or questions.

What I do
Why I do it
Music has the power to change us and to connect us; to transform our minds, our state of being and our relationship to one another. Through my professional career I have witnessed the transformational power of music at work in a range of spaces and places; from religious, ritual contexts, through a huge variety of cultural and entertainment events and, since 2010, in health and wellbeing settings.
I love the feeling of arranging sounds in time; measuring out my moments with my hands on skin, stick or string. Being able to do that in response to others and while having a positive effect on people around me is a great pleasure and gift.
“La música es la medicina que siempre prevalece”